Future Perfect is a live, choose-your-own-adventure game where players join an imagined society called Tomorrowland.

To make it to their ideal future, they’ll have to work together.

Future Perfect @ SF Public Library’s Night of Ideas, 2020

Faced with predicaments related to automation and climate-change, players debate and vote between two policy solutions. The winning option is enacted, players jump forward in time and, based on their choices, face a new policy predicament.

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At the end of their twenty-year tenure, the group’s decisions have guided Tomorrowland to one of four potential futures, based on Peter Frase’s book Four Futures.


Future Perfect engages players in a delightfully imaginative space where they explore the complex interplay between tech & environmental policy, with the goal of driving players to become advocates for these type of policies in their local jurisdictions.

I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I loved how engaged people were in policy, the gamification of wonkiness. Fun and impactful.
— Emily, participant

Interested in bringing Future Perfect to your organization or constituency?